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Execution At Scale for Every Channel

Design Production

Execute With Confidence

Output for impact.

At Titan ONE, design production is where creativity meets precision. We bring your vision to life with a seamless blend of artistry and technical expertise, ensuring that every design element is meticulously crafted and executed. Whether it’s for digital, print, or experiential, our design production team works hand-in-hand with you to deliver compelling visuals that resonate with your audience and amplify your brand. From concept to final delivery, we’re committed to producing designs that not only look great but also drive impact and align with your strategic goals.

A system for support

Built for every channel.

Proper file setup and management are essential to ensuring smooth and efficient design production. At Titan ONE, we take file organization, versioning control, and attention to detail seriously—because the little things matter. Our team is proficient in industry-standard tools like InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma, and we ensure that files are correctly structured for seamless handoff and future use. We also believe in transparency and collaboration, which is why we provide clients with access to the final art files, making sure you have everything you need for ongoing campaigns and updates.

Agile execution

Optimized for everywhere.

Our design production team is equipped to handle a wide variety of formats, ensuring your visuals are optimized for every platform and medium. From high-resolution print-ready files to digital assets for web, social media, and mobile, we deliver files in formats that suit your specific needs. Whether it’s CMYK for print, RGB for digital, or specialized formats like vector files for scalable designs, we ensure your assets are production-ready. Our expertise spans across formats such as PDFs, EPS, JPG, PNG, GIF, and interactive prototypes, giving you the flexibility to adapt your designs across multiple touchpoints.


Keep track of what's on the go.

Tired of digging through email chains and following up with vendors to understand what's happening? 

When you work with Titan ONE you get access to a centralized, shared Project Management board that shows you everything that's in play including, dates, next steps and status. We review this board with you on weekly meetings, and you (and anyone on your team you pick) can access it any time.


What types of design production services do you offer?

We offer comprehensive design production services, including digital, print, and experiential design. Our team handles everything from concept development to final production, ensuring your visuals are on-brand and impactful across all platforms.

What file formats do you deliver?

We deliver files in a wide range of formats based on your needs. These include print-ready PDFs, high-resolution JPGs, PNGs, GIFs for digital use, and vector formats like EPS for scalable designs. If you need interactive prototypes, we also work with tools like Figma to provide fully interactive files.

How do you manage file versioning and updates?

We maintain strict version control throughout the production process to ensure clarity and accuracy. Each file is properly labeled, organized, and stored, allowing us to efficiently track revisions and keep the production process smooth and transparent. This helps avoid confusion and ensures everyone is working with the latest version of the design.

What design tools do you use?

Our team is highly skilled in industry-standard design software such as Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma. These tools allow us to create a variety of design assets, from detailed print layouts to responsive digital designs.

Do you share design files with clients?

Yes! We believe in full transparency and collaboration, so we provide access to all final art files once the project is complete. This ensures you have everything you need for future use or further internal adjustments.

Note that when sharing, version control can become an issue depending on client-side process. We can work with you on a system that will work for your team.

In addition, maintaining file set-up integrity and ensuring brand and formatting consistency is an important foundation for strong brands. This requires specialized expertise. 

How do you ensure designs are properly set up for production?

We follow best practices for file setup, ensuring everything from color profiles (CMYK for print, RGB for digital) to resolution and bleed settings are precisely aligned with the requirements of the final output. This helps avoid issues during production and ensures your designs are flawless in execution.

Can you handle both digital and print design production?

Absolutely. We have extensive experience in producing both digital and print materials, from interactive web assets to large-scale print layouts. We ensure each design is optimized for the specific platform or medium it’s intended for.

How long does the design production process take?

Timelines vary depending on the scope of the project. For simpler digital assets, production can be completed in a matter of days, while more complex or large-scale print projects may take several weeks. We work closely with you to establish a clear and efficient timeline from the outset.

Are you project-based or do you offer ongoing support?

We support clients with both ongoing support - in which we act as an extension of our client's marketing practice - and on a project or campaign basis. 

Our production team works closely with our Creative and Art Directors, account and strategy teams. We always understand the wider context for production executions, including connection into wider strategy, and consistency with other brand and campaign messaging.

Our goal is to act as your trusted partner to keep you in a good place as needs evolve, and as internal requests change. 

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