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How to see your contacts’ interactions in a calendar view on HubSpot

How to see your contacts’ interactions in a calendar view on HubSpot

Stay connected and informed: explore HubSpot’s allbound timeline card for a seamless calendar view of interactions!

Introducing the allbound timeline card on record pages! 

The allbound timeline card brings a calendar view of activities right to your fingertips, making it a breeze to catch up on everything that's unfolded on the record. It's designed to help you quickly gauge engagement levels and dive into activities without the hassle of flipping through tabs or endless scrolling. 

With this card, HubSpot has made it easier to distinguish between outbound and inbound interactions, so you can clearly see how prospects or customers are engaging with your outreach. It's HubSpot’s way of ensuring you stay connected and informed, effortlessly. And, the best part is that it's available for all hubs and tiers.


Why is this feature important?

This new time-saving feature is designed with the users’ needs in mind, based on the valuable feedback HubSpot constantly receives from its power users. It helps users save time by letting them quickly and effectively analyze timeline data when they are scouting new prospects or managing long-standing accounts with rich timelines. 

For managers, this feature is a game-changer, offering a clear window into sales reps' performance and shining a light on opportunities for growth and improvement. HubSpot is constantly evolving its products and features to help users work smarter, not harder.


How does it work?

Allbound timeline cards can be added to the record middle column using the page editor: Go to settings > Objects > Record customization > Choose a view > Add cards > Select "Allbound timeline."

How to add allbound timeline cards to your HubSpot CRM

At the time of writing this blog post, this feature was in public beta, so if you do not see the settings available in Record customization and Cards, please go to the Product Updates page in your account and join the beta for ‘Allbound timeline car on record pages’ product update.

You can play around with the allbound timeline card in the following ways:

  • Filters:
    • All time: by selecting a date range, example - week, month, or custom date range
    • All activities: select what activities you want to display
    • Activity assigned to: select the HubSpot user involved in the activity
    • HubSpot Team: select HubSpot team involved
    • Clear all: clears all selected filters
  • Date navigation: Navigate through the calendar by using the arrow buttons, scrolling horizontally, or by simply clicking the "Today" button. 
  • Full content panel: Check out the content of the activity by clicking into it
  • Hover: You can hover over to see what activities are included, if you see multiple activities for a particular day.

Looking for more assistance? As a HubSpot Platinum Partner serving Canadian and US clients, Titan ONE can help you and your team get the most out of your HubSpot account. 

Book some time for a chat.


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